Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to increase your curl weight

Step 1

Complete three sets of bicep curls with the weight you are currently using. Record the weight and maximum number of repetitions you complete on the third set of your bicep curl.

Step 2

Complete bicep curls with the same weight on your next day of bicep curls. Record the number of reps you can complete on your third set of bicep curls for this and all proceeding workouts. Push yourself so you can complete the most reps possible on your third and final set of all bicep curl exercises.

Step 3

Stop lifting the current weight when you have completed two additional repetitions of the bicep curls on your third set for two consecutive workouts. For example, if you currently lift 30 lbs. for a maximum of 12 reps, then in two consecutive workouts you can complete 14 reps on your third set, stop lifting the weight load and move on to step 4. If you cannot complete the additional two reps in consecutive workouts, continue to monitor your bicep curls until you have achieved the extra repetitions.

Step 4

Increase the load the next day you complete bicep curls. The NSCA recommends that smaller, upper body muscles such as biceps be challenged with an increase of 2.5 to 5 lbs. per arm. As you develop a larger strength in your biceps and are capable of curling heavy weight, the NSCA suggests increases of 5 to 10 lbs

Step 5

Repeat steps 1 through 4 for continuous progression of your bicep curls.

Courtesy: NSCA

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