Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Checking my deadlift technique:

Nothing builds back strength like deadlifts can. Keeping your back straight is critical to avoid injuries when lifting heavy objects off the floor.

What's a deadlift?
A deadlift is an action involving pulling a barbell from the floor till your body is fully extended.

1.Deadlifts work your back, legs and forearms
2. Back strength - Your back stays straight while the weight of the bar tries to bend it. Keeping your
back rigid build back strength.
3. Leg strength - Bringing your hips forward strengthen your hamstrings and glutes. Straightening your
knees strengthens the quadriceps.
4.Forearm and grip strength - You need to grip the barbell hard so it doesn't roll out of your hands when
doing Deadlifts. This builds forearms and grip strength.

Setup for a deadlift :
- Feet shoulder width apart and positioned under the bar as shown above.
- Curl your toes up a little bit
- Bar should be about 5 to 10 cms from the shin.
- Bar should be about midway up to the shin. If it not you can position some plates underneath.
- Get a mixed grip on the bar. See below for details
- Push your chest out and pull your shoulders back
- Do not look down or at the ceiling when lifting. Look straight ahead.
- Hold the bar just outside of your knees-not too wide, nor too narrow
- Hold the bar close to the fingers. Dont keep it on the palm.
- Deadlifting with bent arms can tear the biceps muscle.Keep your arms straight. Tighten your triceps.

Performing the deadlift:
- Shoulder blades should be directly over the bar
- Pull the bar up straight. Closer to the shin the better it is.
- Curl your toes up and drive the movement through the heels
- Keep the bar in contact with the body and as close to the thighs as possible. This prevents any
possible straing on your back.
- Squeeze your glutes, drive from the heels.Do not pull from lower back.
- Deadlift ends when knees and hips are fully extended and locked.

Bringing the weight down:
- Do it controlled and slow
- Chest out, shoulders back
- Hip first, then knee
- Keep bar close to the thighs until it reaches the knees

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