Saturday, December 3, 2011

Checking my deadlift technique - yet again!

I like going back to this because bad habits set in easy, especially when you have been lifting heavy., technique goes out of the window.
Had a friend video my technique in the morning..gym seems very quiet as it is around 6 in the morning.
A few points that emerge out of this video:
1. Lower back is straight which is good
2. Chest and shoulders are back which is excellent
3. Feet are positioned well and the head is focused straight ahead which is good as well
4. The not so good part is the rounding of the upper shoulders. The reason for that is my short arms. I cannot grip the weight without arching my upper back. The only better way to do it would be to place some plates under each side of the bar..but that would give a lot of advantage while lifting as the range of motion will decrease. But reasonably happy with my lifts...close to 185 kgs now..and 180kgs on the squats..could not increase on the bench which stays at 110 because of my shoulder injury.

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