Friday, August 19, 2011

Low blood iron levels and ways to increase it.

I kept falling sick over the last month, leading to my blood being checked.  My Haemoglobin levels were pretty low - around 10.5. Have been taking efforts to increase them over the past 2 weeks.

Here are some guidelines found in ACSM'S Primary Care for Sports Medicine Handbook:
* Include lean red meat or dark poultry meat several times per week
* Do not drink coffee or tea with meals - wait 1 hour
* Add Orange Juice or Vitamin C-containing foods to meals
* Consider a cast iron skillet for cooking acidic foods [ spaghetti sauce, tomato soup]
* Eat more mixed meals [ Protein and carbs together instead of a bagel or salad. The iron in animal sources is absorbed much better if eaten with iron in plant sources and a Vitamin C drink.
* Cook foods for a short amount of time in minimal amounts of water to maximize iron intake.
* Choose bread, cereals, pasta with the words iron-enriched on them.

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