Monday, March 21, 2011

Spot Reduction - Is there such a thing?

An increasing cause for worry for the increasingly wealthy Indian population is the ever increasing mid-section. Often people come to us saying " I just need to lose my belly. I do not have any fat in my arms and legs". Just give me exercises to lose fat around the belly.
Unfortunately, it doe not work like that.There is no such thing as spot reduction. When you lose fat, you tend to lose it from all over. Doing 400 sit ups will not help you lose the flab over them. It will build your abs muscles, but they will still be covered with flab unless you lose body fat.
How to lose body fat:
1.All body workouts - 3 days of machines + 3 days of cardio with abs workouts. You can add other components like Aerobics/Yoga/Pilates to it to keep things interesting
2.Most Indian meals are very high in carbohydrates. Watch your intake of carbs. For best results switch to a  35-45-20[protein-carb-fat] diet.
3.Do not expect miracles in a couple of months.After all you did not gain that fat in a couple of months. It will not go away in a couple of months. Stick to a good solid workout for at least 6 months to get noticeable results.

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