Monday, April 25, 2011
How to prevent lower back injuries while exercising
Great video about how to prevent lower back injuries while exercising.
Is there a thing as spot reduction?
Some great points made in the video is how effective compound movements can be:
Utilize more muscle groups
Rest periods are short which keeps heart rate high
Burns more fat and calories
A more effective workout in less time
Finally, no, you cannot spot reduce your belly but with effective exercise like intervals, you will burn excess fat all over - to include your belly.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Body Building - Vanity or sport?
The bodybuilding culture seems to have outlasted it's utility.When people first saw the likes of Arnold and other big guys they wanted to become like them.And the time was ripe too - the excess of the 80s! I have been reading a lot of interviews of coaches and athletes from the 80s and found something that most of them said. That the culture of bodybuilding has been around way longer than most of them expected.
Talking to people at the gym and elsewhere, makes me aware that the bodybuilding culture is still alive and thriving. Bodybuilders are idolised/ worshipped. Their workouts are noted and debated in great detail and their dietary habits are copied by a large fan following.
Most men train for approval of the opposite sex. And most females find the bodybuilders "look", quite repulsive!When asked why they still train to gain all that muscle, they normally reply that they do not care about that. It is for themselves!
The worst part of body-building is ...steroids! I cannot even begin to vent my disgust about the culture of steroids that is rampant in India. Even leading gyms and fitness education centres openly "advise" their clientele to try steroids. What sort of fitness is this? I agree that one would look big and muscular, but what happens to your body in the long term. The side-effects of steroids are very real and this open acceptance of it by bodybuilding muscleheads is quite scary.
Besides steroids, bodybuilders pump themselves with a number of other supplements to get the "look" that they desire.Anything to get bigger and veiny!
Most bodybuilders eat every hour. How bad is that. Most of them will get up at night and eat just so that they do not get into a catabolic state and lose muscle mass.
Is it workout to live or live to workout? Which one is it?
Hopefully we will see a movement away from "big guy" bodybuilding. I personally prefer a nice healthy look rather than getting big and ripped and having to order custom-made Tshirts, just because none of the shops carry your size!
Talking to people at the gym and elsewhere, makes me aware that the bodybuilding culture is still alive and thriving. Bodybuilders are idolised/ worshipped. Their workouts are noted and debated in great detail and their dietary habits are copied by a large fan following.
Most men train for approval of the opposite sex. And most females find the bodybuilders "look", quite repulsive!When asked why they still train to gain all that muscle, they normally reply that they do not care about that. It is for themselves!
The worst part of body-building is ...steroids! I cannot even begin to vent my disgust about the culture of steroids that is rampant in India. Even leading gyms and fitness education centres openly "advise" their clientele to try steroids. What sort of fitness is this? I agree that one would look big and muscular, but what happens to your body in the long term. The side-effects of steroids are very real and this open acceptance of it by bodybuilding muscleheads is quite scary.
Besides steroids, bodybuilders pump themselves with a number of other supplements to get the "look" that they desire.Anything to get bigger and veiny!
Most bodybuilders eat every hour. How bad is that. Most of them will get up at night and eat just so that they do not get into a catabolic state and lose muscle mass.
Is it workout to live or live to workout? Which one is it?
Hopefully we will see a movement away from "big guy" bodybuilding. I personally prefer a nice healthy look rather than getting big and ripped and having to order custom-made Tshirts, just because none of the shops carry your size!
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